Pioneering ideas of the human mind.
Martha Farah
University of Pennsylvania
September 29, 2021, 12:00 PM ET
Charitable cause: NARAL Pro-Choice America
Title: Putting neuroscience to work to reduce the harms of poverty
Abstract: Is SES neuroscience the pipedream of neuroscientists who want to feel useful and who underestimate the complexity of poverty and its effects? Or is it a promising new approach to understanding a refractory social problem, which could lead to new solutions? In this talk I will use research from my own lab and others’ to argue that SES neuroscience is not a pipedream. For balance, I will highlight some of the interesting and non-obvious findings of SES neuroscience, as well as some challenges to scientific validity in this field and to the applicability of the science. Finally, I will attempt to forecast the ways in which practical solutions to the problems of poverty may emerge from SES neuroscience.
American Sign language (ASL) interpretation andclosed captioning will be provided.