Pioneering ideas of the human mind.
Buddhika Bellana
York University
February 28, 2022 at 12:00 PM ET
Charitable cause: Resource Generation
Title: Narrative thinking lingers in spontaneous thought
Abstract: Stories have an ability to transport us into alternate worlds. Whether it be in the form of a novel, a movie, or a vivid anecdote from conversation, this immersive quality is a central feature of how we engage with stories. Interestingly, stories also tend to persist in our minds. Most of us can easily think of a story that has stuck with us – one we could not shake for hours or even days – however, to date little empirical work exists on this phenomenon. If narratives can elicit a persistent influence on thought, how can we measure it in the laboratory? What are its cognitive properties? What are its consequences for our understanding of memory? In this talk, I will present the results of a series of experiments using a free association paradigm and techniques from natural language processing to begin unpacking the lasting influence of stories on spontaneous thought.
American Sign language (ASL) interpretation andclosed captioning will be provided.